Thursday, January 17, 2013

engagement make upp


jenuh mencari make up di terengganu..jumpe2 yg molek tak boleh pulak tarikh tu..
kebanyakan make up tak berapa nak aku gemari..(haih  tunggang terbalik je ayat?) ;p

sebab ade yg mcm tebal sgt macam tak natural..
aq nak cr yg make up tak tebal tp elok sweet je..

rase2 mcm nak make up sendiri je..dripada bayar rm200 kat mak andam..baik rm200 beli foundation sendiri kat mac ke bobbi brown ..yg lain tu practice je la byk kali..sbb aku caye..kuase make up ni start kat foundation yg ok (termasuk concealor)..klau foundation bengkok..bengkok patah riuk la yg lain2 tu...

thinking thinking............

if my final decision is to make up on my own,i need to buy all this:

to buy foundation mac pro long wear

or fix pro foundation...

eye primer

make up palette
essence white eyeline

boleh ke ni aq nak make up sendiriii...... ^_^'

antara make up yg aku sukee...

credit to aziecunmakeup

ni memang cun gle transfer...fuhhh tak cayee

orang yg same make up...

pengsan tengok akak ni make up..cantik kot..mcm puteri..
rase mcm nak g blaja make up ngan dy je,,
nnt hari2 dok umah make up je bg awak tengok  ^_^ gatalll

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